The Sustainability Advisory Council aims to play a pivotal role in fostering a sustainable future for our business community and the broader region. Free Q&A Divorce Workshop, designed to answer your questions relating to divorce, child custody, child and spousal support, property division or your rights. The Economic Development & Advocacy Advisory Council works with elected officials, community leaders, Chamber Members, topic experts, and other organizations to shape policies that help promote business creation, sustainability, and growth. The Arc of San Diego Presents: Winter Wonderland Fashion Show and Luncheon This week is Busting the Work/life Balance Myth!The last Monday of every month is a full show dedicated to Live Q&A! Let's talk Careers, Connect & Network Live! High Conflict Co-Parenting and Parallel Parenting classes help parents focus on their children and not on each other, they reduce anger and frustration and educ
Sustainability Advisory Council Meeting
Free Q&A Divorce Workshop
Economic Development & Advocacy Meeting
Winter Wonderland Fashion Show and Luncheon
The "B" Show - Where we Drink Coffee and Talk About Career Trends - LinkedIn Audio Event
High Conflict Co-Parenting and Parallel Parenting Class