The Economic Development & Advocacy Advisory Council works with elected officials, community leaders, Chamber Members, topic experts, and other organizations to shape policies that help promote business creation, sustainability, and growth. The Economic Development & Advocacy Advisory Council works with elected officials, community leaders, Chamber Members, topic experts, and other organizations to shape policies that help promote business creation, sustainability, and growth. The Military Affairs Advisory Council works with Chamber Members, elected officials, topic experts, community leaders, and other organizations to advocate for policies that improve the quality of life for the military community. The Military Affairs Advisory Council works with Chamber Members, elected officials, topic experts, community leaders, and other organizations to advocate for policies that improve the quality of life for the military community. Get up to date on all aspects of the Palomar Airport. Join Support the Enlisted Project's CEO, Tony Teravainen, for morning coffee and conversation.
Economic Development & Advocacy Meeting
Economic Development & Advocacy Meeting
Military Affairs Advisory Council Meeting
Military Affairs Advisory Council Meeting
Palomar Airport Advisory Committee (PAAC) Meeting
Support the Enlisted Project (STEP)'s Coffee with the CEO