Have questions regarding divorce, mediation, child custody, child and spousal support, property division or your rights? Our team of experts will be here to help you.
Saturday Jun 15, 2024
Saturday, June 15th at 9 AM PST. In person: 16466 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 188, San Diego, CA 92128. Free.
Jefferson Stacer
Free Q&A Divorce Workshop
Jefferson Stacer is a family law attorney with over 40 years of experience and has done over 4000 mediations. He is a certified family law specialist.
Dr. Deena Stacer is a Parent Educator and a Director of the High-Conflict Coparenting Program, that teaches parents how to disengage from the fight and focus their energy on their children.
Both are determined to keep people out of court and out of conflict.
Date and Time
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Over Zoom: Link provided upon registration.
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